David Lee Roth addressed the Van Halen-Superbowl rumors yesterday on VHND.com, here. Today, one of ESPN.com’s current featured polls asks, “David Lee Roth says Van Halen would say yes to playing the Super Bowl “in a NY minute.” Should the NFL extend the offer?”
You can vote ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ at this link.
There are currently well over 100,0000 unique voters, and no less than 65% of them are in favor of Van Halen playing the Super Bowl halftime show! That’s pretty incredible, considering the fact that this is a worldwide poll which does not allow anyone to vote more than once, and a full 2/3 of voters want VAN HALEN to perform! But then again, Van Halen and football have always been a perfect combination; both are high energy and hard hitting!